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Can a 53 yr find a relationship????
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June 12, 2005
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Can a 53 yr find a relationship????
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I am look for a relationship...just a friend, lover..someone to talk to!!!
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Posted:     Post subject:

Of course you can but just be careful - you might not always get what you bargained for!

My husband left me last year for a 57 yr old amputee who he searched for on another site like this - she thinks he is in love with her when if fact he is in love with her condition. Better to be lonely than stuck with someone like him.

I'm still looking for that special person to share my life with but I will be a lot more picky this time round over 40 or not. Take stock of what you have that is good in your life and remember you could be worse off.
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Posted:     Post subject:

Hi, I have just joined, and have been considering why someone (especially able bodied people) would choose to go to a site with a lot of disabled users, what would make them seek out disabled people to date...???
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April 26, 2006
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PostPosted:     Post subject: relationships
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i think everybody can have a relationship whatever age you are,just wait for the right moment which usually is when it is most unexpected.i am a great believer in the saying of "there is someone for everyone out there"so just wait and it will happen
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Posted:     Post subject:

A 53 year old can find a relationship and or "the love of his life". You never know hoe may be right around the next corner. For that matter a 73 yr old can still get it on these days and find passion and love for another person. And even if there is never any S-- involved that doesn't mean someone won't fall in love with you. and you can have S-- all kinds of different ways if there is a physical problem. You have to have somewhere one you that is a pleasure zone above your waist and they can love on you there, and everyone will be pleased. Don't give up keep looking and let us know when you find that hot chick or guy your looking for.
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Posted:     Post subject:

I find it hard to meet people since I cant get out much due to financial reasons,plus there are not many places a single 52 year old woman can go.

All you can do is keep trying and hopefully you will meet someone.
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Posted:     Post subject: where oh where can you be

Singlesue. are you close to the Magnolia Diner :across the street from
insanity: they got WIFI here . if so I sit near the back door with my dog
look for a gorilla with a laptop.if not disavow any knowledge of this misson. darylynn & scoobie
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Posted:     Post subject: replying to finding love at 53

I believe that anyone can find love at 53. I say never give up hope just be patient it will find you when you least expect it. I remember finding the so call love of my life in high school, we broke up like 5 months into the relationship but i thought he was everything to me. well 10 years later i found him again and we tried again only to find out that the sparks wasn't there for me like it was at one point in my life. he did ask me to move in with him, get married and have kids. I told him I couldn't do it. That was the end of that. I still think and wonder about him but i also know that i did the right thing for me. I heard he had found a woman and got married to her and want kids and i wish him the best. In my heart I knew he wasn't the one for me. What i am seeking I haven't found it yet. I just know one day i will because i haven't given up my hope and my dreams to get married and have at least two kids. So it is never to late to find that happiness one deserves and dreams about. WOW!! this turned out to be along reply to the question. I just want to say that you will find love and you will find your happiness don't give up on that. I also want to say that i wish you all the Luck in the world. =)

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Posted:     Post subject:

Oh Gosh, I hope so! I'm.. I'm... 54! shhhhhhhhhh don't say that too loud! just kiddin' I think you can find love at any age. I have seen some in their nineties gettin' hitched in a nursing home!!
Where there's life, there's hope! Paul (crunchyXian)

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Posted:     Post subject:

`there seems to be lots of people in their 50's online but not in my age range

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October 16, 2009
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`well,im not in my 50ths, and i havent found luv yet!maybe when i do get there, i wont be askin that question;)

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February 2, 2010
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`I'm new here, but its a good question, I'm 54 and the thought of a relationship is kind of scary. Not to be morbid but with my heart problem no one knows how long I have so is it even fair to become involved with someone? I guess time will answer that one. And just where does a fifty something person even look now days. Don't party, don't drink, can't stand political things, and for a very strange reason, don't like chruches. So what does that leave, online dating. A new concept for me, but who knows.

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Posted:     Post subject: Re: Can a 53 yr find a relationship????

singlesue wrote: I am look for a relationship...just a friend, lover..someone to talk to!!!

ill take u and love u all the way

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September 7, 2010
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PostPosted:     Post subject: can a 53 year old find a relationship
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i certanily hope so. i am a 59 year old looking for true love after a 32 year marrage. 2 years into marrage my wife became disable. i took care of her for 30 years. when i became disabled she divorced me. so i am looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with. i have ms but am positive about it. is there anyone out there for me[/i][/b]

danny 455
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Posted:     Post subject:

`WEEEEEEEE ....Howdy all, From the Great state Of Texas and yes Im still above ground which makes for a Happy Happy day just letting yea all know I just joined two days ago so thought id stop in and say Howdy,wink ,wink...

Im a 54 yr old Heck of a Nice guy with a kind heart, and great Listener ,was Married for 18 yrs divorced and I do suffer from copd,I still get around just real slow and im sure my fellow copd folks know what im talking about, so hey if any of yea Ladies are looking for friend & love as I am fell free to leave a message lets see what shakes ,good Lord I ma- be a little Rusty at first on the dating thingy for its been awhile so all I ask is for yea all go easy on me,evn with my Illness I try to remain Positive and I thank the Good Lord daily ,Ijust get sick and tired of being alone

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